Meet the Couture Angels! ⭐️ Order Individually
Meet the Couture Angels! ⭐️ Order Individually
Currently there are 18 Couture Angels, with the ultimate goal to create an oracle deck of 33. Stay tuned! In the meantime…
You can order all 18 angels in the Mini Pocket Prayer Pack, or individually here. Individual angels are printed on 5” x 7” fine art paper, suitable for framing, with a separate invocation card. Each includes an envelope for mailing, making it the perfect gift to send to your favorite someone. $18.00
Angel descriptions are matched to the order of their image.
Ariel - Angel of Courage
Protector of Mother Earth and all her creations--big and small. This fierce angel is powerful yet kind, bringing a gentle strength to any situation. Call upon Ariel when you need courage. They will fortify you with the confidence and authority to overcome obstacles and help you to realize your greatest potentials.
Barachiel - Angel of Blessings
Chief of guardian angels, Barachiel governs the realm of miracles and divine providence. They offer guidance, connecting you to the many blessings available. They bring the gift of laughter, lightening your day and inspiring you to believe anything is possible. Call upon Barachiel when you need assistance. They will gracefully pave your way.
Cassiel - Angel of Good Fortune
Great dispeller of despairs, Cassiel brings positivity and good fortune. They remind that you are never alone, enveloping you in their divine embrace. They offer the gifts of purpose and patience, inspiring you to create your own luck and good fortune. Call upon Cassiel to strengthen your resolve and self-esteem through positive thinking.
Gabriel - Angel of Communication
Gabriel is the angel to turn to when there’s an important message you want to deliver to the world. Whether through writing or viral communication, they will assist you in finding the right words. Gabriel also brings messages to you, revealing knowledge & insight. Call upon Gabriel for more confidence in your decisions and communication.
Gustavo - Angel of Happiness
Gustavo reminds that happiness is a gift and should be grabbed onto with gusto! This angel’s divinely colorful presence will infuse your spirit with good vibrations and a feeling of supreme exaltation. Breathe and let the contentment in. Call upon Gustavo when you need an lift. They will be the wings beneath your feet.
Haniel - Angel of the Heart
Haniel is associated with the Moon and her healing energies. An angelic ally in matters of the heart, they will help to balance your emotions and heal old wounds. They can assist you in connecting to your intuition: The true voice of the heart. Call upon Haniel to feel more joyful and heart-centered.
Jophiel - Angel of Beauty and Wisdom
Jophiel brings understanding, illuminating your path towards enlightenment, health and wealth. They encourage you to see the beauty in life, inspiring an attitude of pleasure and delight. They also aid in creating beautiful thoughts and staying positive. Call upon Jophiel for wisdom. They will uplift your spirit and inform your mind with greater insight.
Raphael - Angel of Healing
Patron Saint of healers and travelers, the sick and infirm, Raphael offers divine assistance to all seeking greater health, safety and wellbeing. Call upon Raphael to heal your body and mind from illness and injury. This deeply compassionate angel may also be asked to send healing to others in their time of suffering.
Raziel - Angel of Sacred Knowledge
Gatekeeper of the Divine Mysteries, Raziel will restore your faith in yourself and your divine purpose, helping attune you to the higher realms. Call upon Raziel when you are looking for spiritual guidance and insight. They speak through the silent language of intuition, symbols and metaphors. Listen deeply and follow their signs.
Uriel - Angel of Inspiration
Companion of poets and prophets, artists and visionaries: those who endeavor to open their hearts and minds to the inspirational and transcendent. Call upon Uriel when you’re feeling blocked or stuck. They will help you release negative energy and elevate your thought process to receive new ideas and creative solutions.
Ophiel - Angel of Victory
An angelic cheerleader, Ophiel fills you with competitive spirit, prompting you into action. They remind that success often requires stamina and hard work. Call upon them when you need motivation. Their encouragement will give you the boost you need to triumphally cross the finish line. Victory is at hand! Stay the course.
Zadkiel - Angel of Peace
Zadkiel wields the Violet Flame, a spiritual tool for transmuting negative karma and energy. They will assist you to overcome limiting fears and beliefs, and help clear emotional blocks. This will bring more balance and flow into your life. Call upon Zadkiel to help rlease dramatic and upsetting events. and guide your towards inner-peace.
Chamuel - Angel of Love
Chamuel appears surrounded by a golden-pink aura, bringing a sense of joy and a soft tingling to your heart. They oversee love and it’s many facets, from romantic love to higher, divine expressions. Call upon Chamuel when you need more love in your life. They will gently help open your heart to new experiences, and attract the unconditional love you deserve.
Sachiel - Angel of Prosperity
Sachiel governs the realm of money, and is here to help you manifest abundance. Often times, prosperity is at our fingertips, yet easily slips from our reach. This angel reminds that money is energy, and the more you trust yourself, the more it will flow to you. Call upon Sachiel to unlock more wealth in your life.
Metatron - Angel of Magic
Metatron oversees the Magical Arts, including alchemy, divination, witchcraft and wizardry, transmutation, shapeshifting and sacred geometry. “Metatron’s Cube” holds the blueprint of creation, connecting you with the unlimited energies of the Universe. Call upon Metatron to help you understand your supernatural powers and find the wizard within.
Michael - Angel of Protection
Michael, the most powerful of angels, offers safety and protection—from enemies, harmful situations and influences endangering your soul. They will help you take your power and fully embody your personal and spiritual sovereignty. Call upon Michael for protection. Remember, they don’t mess around. Their divine intervention may very well change your life!
Jeremiel - Angel of Dreams
Jeremiel travels the ethers weaving thoughts & emotions together into a magical web of dreamscapes. On this plane you receive higher visions and engage with endless possibilities. Daydreams are this angels favorite playground! Call upon Jeremiel when you want to expand your ordinary reality. They will sprinkle some dream dust your way.
Sanadalphon - Angel of Music
Patron of musicians and composers, Sandalphon delivers messages through music, knowing that the vibration of sound connects us to the celestial spheres. Call upon Sandalphon when you need more harmony and joy. Then, pay attention to any words or songs that play in your mind. They could be the answer to your prayers.